Monday, July 4, 2011


Three cheers for the red, white and blue!  July 4th is a wonderful day to be living in this grand country!  It may have faults, but there is nowhere else on earth where freedom is celebrated so freely as here.

\We just watched "The Capital Fourth" on PBS from Washington, D. C., as we do each year.  This year the show was spectacular!  Entertainment unequaled!  Singers from Broadway, American Idol WinnerJordan Sparks from our town of Glendale AZ, Instrumentalists (Steve Martin... who'da guessed? on the banjo,) "Dancing With the Stars" dancers Mark Balas and Kelsey Hightower , National Symphony Orchestra, military trumpets/bands, color guards, happy dancing audience people, hosted by Jimmy Smits, fireworks that seemed to go on forever...mere words can't possibly do the scope of the magnitude displayed!  WOW!

Living just a two hour drive from Washington, D. C. for twenty years or so, it seems that there is no reason why I never saw it.  Research..when was it started?  They started it 30 years ago, so 1991, by my calculation.  So that is the reason, since I left Petersburg VA in 1970 when I went to Australia. 

Idea:  Plan to go to Washington for the Fourth either next yhear or the year after.  Talk or write to frinds on the east coast about joining us there for a "Reunion Celebration."  Our wedding anniversary is July 6th.  We did not go anywhere for our twenty-fifth, so how about next year?

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